Let's begin our Christmas day with a smile :o).
Smile! It is a simple act, but sometimes takes a lot of effort. Why don't we smile more often? Is it too tough to smile? The answer lies in our attitude towards life. If we are more accepting of situations, we will be able to smile more easily.
A smile can do wonders. Start your day smiling and see how the magic begins to work. People smile back at you; you feel happier, and you also make others happier. Sounds simple, right? Yet, we forget to smile.
If you want a smile on your face, have a look at this cute Bat-eared fox. I hope, this picture...
Facts: Listed as Endangered under C1. Snow Leopards (Panthera uncia) are suspected to have declined by at least 20% over the past two generations (16 years) due to habitat and prey base loss, and poaching and persecution.